DMSO Supplement
Used as a cream or gel, this solvent almost immediately penetrates the skin without damaging it and is able to carry other compounds into the system.
If you get a garlic, or onion like taste after applying this solvent, don't worry. That is a side-effect of the quick absorption by the skin and is harmless. It actually tells you, it is already in your system.
Dimethyl Sulfoxide
A colorless, sulfur-containing organic by-product of wood pulp processing.
Cream, gel; topically, 25 percent DMSO solution; take internally only if prescribed by a physician.
Relieves pain and inflammation, improves joint mobility in OA, RA, JRA and scleroderma, and manages amyloidosis (excessive build-up of protein in organs as seen in RA). Increases blood flow to skin.
What we know:
Topically, appears to be an anti-inflammatory.
Controlled studies as a topical application for DMSO and OA have yielded conflicting results. Few human studies.
Side effects:
DMSO taken internally include headache, dizziness, drowsiness, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, constipation and anorexia. Topical DMSO also can cause skin irritation and dermatitis. Do not use DMSO if you have diabetes, asthma or liver, kidney or heart conditions. Never take industrial-grade DMSO. Wash off any lotions or skin products before applying DMSO.
~Arthritis Foundation.
I also found, that marine and fresh algae give off DMSO. Milk contains small amounts of DMSO. So far, DMSO is reported to be relatively safe. However, it should not be used while being pregnant.
Because this solvent sinks in to the skin so quickly and can carry other compounds, it makes it a perfect solution to distribute other medications through the body, to let them work their healing powers.
God's word is the perfect solution and medication, with healing powers for mind, body and soul.
Jeremiah 33:6
Behold, I will bring it health and healing; I will heal them and reveal to them the abundance of peace and truth.
If you get a garlic, or onion like taste after applying this solvent, don't worry. That is a side-effect of the quick absorption by the skin and is harmless. It actually tells you, it is already in your system.
Dimethyl Sulfoxide

A colorless, sulfur-containing organic by-product of wood pulp processing.
Cream, gel; topically, 25 percent DMSO solution; take internally only if prescribed by a physician.
Relieves pain and inflammation, improves joint mobility in OA, RA, JRA and scleroderma, and manages amyloidosis (excessive build-up of protein in organs as seen in RA). Increases blood flow to skin.
What we know:
Topically, appears to be an anti-inflammatory.
Controlled studies as a topical application for DMSO and OA have yielded conflicting results. Few human studies.
Side effects:
DMSO taken internally include headache, dizziness, drowsiness, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, constipation and anorexia. Topical DMSO also can cause skin irritation and dermatitis. Do not use DMSO if you have diabetes, asthma or liver, kidney or heart conditions. Never take industrial-grade DMSO. Wash off any lotions or skin products before applying DMSO.
~Arthritis Foundation.
I also found, that marine and fresh algae give off DMSO. Milk contains small amounts of DMSO. So far, DMSO is reported to be relatively safe. However, it should not be used while being pregnant.
Because this solvent sinks in to the skin so quickly and can carry other compounds, it makes it a perfect solution to distribute other medications through the body, to let them work their healing powers.
God's word is the perfect solution and medication, with healing powers for mind, body and soul.
Jeremiah 33:6
Behold, I will bring it health and healing; I will heal them and reveal to them the abundance of peace and truth.
Please contact me about your claims for the use of this product for Amyloidosis.
Your Side Effects warn not to use the cream if you have heart or kidney problems, which the majority of Amyloidosis patients do have.
Amyloidosis Australia,
Welcome to my blog and thank you for your comment.
The side-effects that are warned against, are not mine. They come directly from the Arthritis Foundation. You can go there by clicking the link underneath the side-effects.
I did find the same warnings all over the Internet, in search for information on DMSO.
I hope this helps. God bless you.
God's Grace.
Corry, it is amazing how much the scientific world has come in just a few years. More than this I am thankful that God is the healer of the heart, mind and soul. I hope all is well with you and the family. I have been thinking and praying for you. Blessings.
Thank you so much for your prayers, we so appreciate them.
It is extremely busy and one fire after another. But... that can only make us stronger. :-)
I am thankful as well. I don't know where we would be without His grace and mercy.
Many blessings to you and yours!
God's Grace.
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