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Friday, November 06, 2009

One For All

It had been a while since I had bought some new shirts, but I finally got around to it. Reflecting upon the trip, something struck me as odd. I wear an 'S' and I hardly ever had problems finding shirts in my size; not this go around!

There were hardly any shirts in my size available and I had to settle for an 'M'. That is not too bad I can pull it off, except for the neckline being a little wide. I guess the fashion industry is starting to catch on to the fact that most people don't have that 'skinny as a rail' model look and stores probably sell more sizes 'M' and up.

I have to either keep that in mind or fatten up a little. Anyway, in case you run in to me and notice me wearing a Barbie T-shirt, you can safely assume I was forced finding fitting apparel in the teenage section. Grin.

That is what I like about The Bible; it does not matter who you are, how tall you are, or what you weigh. There is advice, guidance and leadership for everyone and every situation. Yeah, you could say one size fits all. :-)

Isaiah 28:29
This also comes from the LORD of hosts, Whois wonderful in counsel and excellent in guidance.


Blogger audrey` said...

You wear 'S'. I wear 'XL'

Read about the Fort Hood incident. How is everything at your side?

Take care, Lieve Zus.

November 07, 2009 3:38 AM  
Blogger Corry said...

We are fine, doing some cleaning up and cleaning out.

Yeah, it is a horrible and there was another one like that the day after. I can't remember right now where it occurred, but there were several victims as well. Sad, sad, sad. May God comfort all their loved ones.


God's Grace.

November 08, 2009 5:41 AM  

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