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Monday, November 02, 2009

Haunted Hay-Ride

I was going to tell you about my first haunted hay-ride!

We had read about it on the Internet and it was not very far from us. The location was a large farm that had made a true art out of spooking and entertaining people for Halloween. A family with children could easily have spent an entire day there; they had so many attractions and play areas.

Anyway, we went specifically for the haunted hay-ride and after waiting in line for just a few minutes we could climb on board. Well, after being forced to take a terrifying D-tour through a bus wich was lit by strobe lights. It scared the heebee-jeebees out of me, but it was fun.

The ride was almost one long scream, haha. The costumes, make up and entire entourage was really very professional and Kc's arm must be black and blue by now from my squeezing. I got very scared one time, when creeps with a chainsaw jumped up on the cart. I burried my face on Kc's shoulder, but I smelled the fumes from the buzzing chainsaw and thought I was going to end up with less then I came.

Our oldest went with us and she was sitting on my other side. Right from the start she grabbed my arm and squeezed it black and blue, haha. I am not going to tell you all the frightening stuff; you need to come over next year and go with us. :-)

The greatest fun I had however was with four 8 or 9 year old girls. The poor critters got so scared, sat down on the bottom of the cart, cried and screamed and did not want to see anything anymore. When the ride was over, one of them stood up and said loud and clear: "That was AWESOME!" I could not help it and bursted out laughing. I suppose that not seeing most of the ride was the awesome part, haha.

I enjoyed it so much, I want to do it again next year. It was a thrill. Maybe I should say: it was a thriller! hehe.

Even though I had a lot of fun, I don't like to be afraid. It occurs more often then not that a situation scares me, but reminding myself of the fact that I am not alone is a great help and comfort. God's protective hands are around me and nothing will happen outside of His permissive will! :-)

Deuteronomy 31:6
Be strong and of good courage, do not fear nor be afraid of them; for the LORD your God, He is the One who goes with you. He will not leave you nor forsake you."


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