I was not familiar with the name 'Gooseberry', until I looked it up online and saw a picture of this berry and recognized it. In the Netherlands this little fellow goes by the name of 'Kruisbes', which literally translated means 'Cross berry'.
It brought back some memories: my grandfather had gooseberry shrubs planted along his driveway. He would tell me and my cousins when they were ripe, so we could pick and eat them. We would also give them to my grandmother and I think she used them to make preserves, but I am not sure.
The gooseberry is native to Europe, northwestern Africa, southwestern Asia and northeastern and north-central United States and adjacent parts of Canada. The shrub can grow up to 10 feet tall and the berries are usually green, but other color varieties are grown as well.
The gooseberry is very rich in vitamin C; it contains about 20 times more vitamin C then an orange. Gooseberries also provide vitamin B complex, phosphorus, calcium, iron and carotene.
Anti Aging:
Vitamin C aids in the fight against the free radicals which cause damage to the cells. The damage results in degeneration and aging. Gooseberry is found to be a strong rejuvenatory because it contains so much vitamin C.
Eye Sight:
Gooseberry can improve eye sight and helps correcting cataract and shortsightedness as well. It also is very helpful in reducing tension in the intra ocular region.
Gooseberry stimulates the production of natural insulin in the body and helps regulating blood sugar levels. The count of red blood cells increases by consuming Gooseberries.
Hair Loss:
It is said that consuming gooseberries on a daily basis controls hair loss. It can also be applied directly on the scalp; the hair roots are being fortified which will improve hair growth. Make a paste out of 6 gooseberries boiled in one cup of milk. Massage is on to the scalp and let it sit for about 20 minutes.
Heart Disease:
Gooseberries seem to strengthen the heart muscle and dilates blood vessels, so blood will be pumped more easily and more smoothly by the heart. In other words: it is good for the blood flow.
Gooseberries are mostly used for desserts and pies, but there are many more recipes that can be found online about cooking with these berries. Contrary to other vegetables and fruits, none of the 'good stuff' in the berry will get lost by cooking or baking.
If you are able to find gooseberry juice in the stores or have the means to make juice out of them, then the juice provides you with a refreshing and healthy drink.
It is not an easy task to alter our ways by abandoning sin, fleeing from temptation and to focus on doing what is needed and best. We often feel that by getting what we want we will be happy. We take control out of God's hands and enforce our wants, not realizing that we put ourselves in a position where we deprived ourselves from the blessings God had in mind for us.
No, we don't know best and the sooner we admit and accept that God does, we will be in good shape and our cup will run over. :-)
Proverbs 3:7-8
7 Do not be wise in your own eyes; Fear the LORD and depart from evil. 8 It will be health to your flesh, And strength to your bones
It brought back some memories: my grandfather had gooseberry shrubs planted along his driveway. He would tell me and my cousins when they were ripe, so we could pick and eat them. We would also give them to my grandmother and I think she used them to make preserves, but I am not sure.
The gooseberry is native to Europe, northwestern Africa, southwestern Asia and northeastern and north-central United States and adjacent parts of Canada. The shrub can grow up to 10 feet tall and the berries are usually green, but other color varieties are grown as well.

Anti Aging:
Vitamin C aids in the fight against the free radicals which cause damage to the cells. The damage results in degeneration and aging. Gooseberry is found to be a strong rejuvenatory because it contains so much vitamin C.
Eye Sight:
Gooseberry can improve eye sight and helps correcting cataract and shortsightedness as well. It also is very helpful in reducing tension in the intra ocular region.
Gooseberry stimulates the production of natural insulin in the body and helps regulating blood sugar levels. The count of red blood cells increases by consuming Gooseberries.
Hair Loss:
It is said that consuming gooseberries on a daily basis controls hair loss. It can also be applied directly on the scalp; the hair roots are being fortified which will improve hair growth. Make a paste out of 6 gooseberries boiled in one cup of milk. Massage is on to the scalp and let it sit for about 20 minutes.
Heart Disease:
Gooseberries seem to strengthen the heart muscle and dilates blood vessels, so blood will be pumped more easily and more smoothly by the heart. In other words: it is good for the blood flow.
Gooseberries are mostly used for desserts and pies, but there are many more recipes that can be found online about cooking with these berries. Contrary to other vegetables and fruits, none of the 'good stuff' in the berry will get lost by cooking or baking.
If you are able to find gooseberry juice in the stores or have the means to make juice out of them, then the juice provides you with a refreshing and healthy drink.
It is not an easy task to alter our ways by abandoning sin, fleeing from temptation and to focus on doing what is needed and best. We often feel that by getting what we want we will be happy. We take control out of God's hands and enforce our wants, not realizing that we put ourselves in a position where we deprived ourselves from the blessings God had in mind for us.
No, we don't know best and the sooner we admit and accept that God does, we will be in good shape and our cup will run over. :-)
Proverbs 3:7-8
7 Do not be wise in your own eyes; Fear the LORD and depart from evil. 8 It will be health to your flesh, And strength to your bones
Hi Lieve Zus =) A 13-year-old Dutch girl is trying to be the youngest person to sail solo around the world.
Wow, that would be a major achievemnent, no matter what country she would be from!
God's Grace.
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