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Sunday, November 08, 2009

The Reorganisation

We finally got around to cleaning up and fixing a few things in our storage building yesterday. That was something we had been dreading for so long now, but in order to be able to get to anything it needed doing. It sure was a major undertaking and it took up almost our entire day.

The result was worth it though. We can walk around in it again! Previously, we had to tiptoe from one spot to another, stepping over stuff, and holding on to anything to keep our balance. We often came back out empty handed, because we could not get to, or find what we needed.

Our garbage can is filled up and we had a nice fire when burning up all the empty boxes which were stacked up in the building. Well hey; you never know what they were good for; in this case fuel for the fire, hehe.

Cleaning up, reorganizing and fixing up is not just something we need to do when it comes to our environment. We also have to take stock of the inventory of our hearts and minds and 'throw out the garbage' and maybe even do some repairs there as well. We don't have to do that alone; God is waiting to lend us His helping hands!

Psalm 51:10
Create in me a clean heart, O God, And renew a steadfast spirit within me.


Blogger Seeker said...

This reminds me to "take every thought captive".... among other things. It's so freeing to not be a slave to all those things clogging up our hearts and minds.
Good post, C!

November 08, 2009 10:32 PM  
Blogger Corry said...

Thanks K! Grin.

I totally agree with you. It is something we ought to do on a moment to moment basis. We may dread it, but it is liberating and leads to a carefree and happy life.

Someone has got a birthday tomorrow!!! :-D


God's Grace.

November 09, 2009 6:56 AM  

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