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Monday, December 14, 2009

Attention! Attention!

Dealing with Rheumatoid Arthritis has taught me to keep a schedule and check it every day. Not so much to keep up with my doctor's appointments, but mainly ensuring I take all my medications on the designated days.

There are so many different medications I have to take throughout the week. Some of them don't mix well together when taken at the same time; I have to keep those a few days apart. That is one of the things you can not loose sight off and where our Cork Bulletin Board is a huge help.

I suspect it is the same with any other chronic condition as well. A pill for this, a pill for that and before becoming aware of it you have a complete arsenal of medications lined up. Pill boxes may come in handy, but they don't work for me. I tend to shove those aside, thinking I will do it the next minute and then completely forget.

We have one of those cork bulletin boards hanging in our office with a calendar pinned on it and I look at it every day several times. It is a great reminder when to take my Humira shots, my Methotrexate, Vitamin D etc., etc. That works, plus it also gives us some extra space to display pictures and our grandsons' colorful scribbles.

I can totally understand why many businesses use a bulletin board; people check it on a regular basis and it seems that what is being read is not so easily forgotten. I think they lend themselves very well for anything you would like to show, make known or broadcast.

They come in different sizes and in case you are not too crazy about the ordinary cork bulletin boards, there is also the option of getting a fabric bulletin board. If that does not draw the attention, then I suppose nothing will!


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