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Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Some Saving Tips

I don't know about you, but I like saving a penny where and when I can. Especially in these difficult economic and financial times, any tip which saves money is more then welcome.

That is why I enjoyed reading the following cheap tips and tricks concerning the use of coffee filters:

1. Make an instant funnel by cutting off the end of a cone-style filter; it will keep the oil from spilling when having to add it to your car.
2. Keep cast iron skillets rust free by placing a coffee filter in them when not in use.
3. Fill a coffee filter with baking soda and use a twist-tie to close it. It is an instant air freshener ready for use in fridge, car, shoes, closets, etc.
4. When preparing bacon for instance, use coffee filters; they absorb grease better then paper towels and the bacon won't stick to it.
5. Use a coffee filter as a backing for embroidering thin fabrics.
6. Diffuse direct light when taking indoor photos by placing a coffee filter over lights, lamps or your flash.
7. If the need should occur you can use coffee filters as napkins and even as toilet paper.
8. Use coffee filters on the plate to keep deviled eggs from slipping and sliding all over the plate.
9. Make a sour cream substitute by straining yogurt through a coffee filter.
10. Children love popsicles, but it often turns into a mess. Use a coffee filter to catch the drips by poking a hole in the center of it and place the stick through the hole. For an ice cream cone; simply put the cone in the center of the filter and hold the cone with the filter.
11. Oil used for deep frying can be reused after draining it through a coffee filter.
12. Put a coffee filter over the drain when washing blueberries; that will keep them from going down the drain.

Some of the tips are money savers and others may just come in handy. I found a few more usages for coffee filters which I will share in a future post.

Either way, it so turns out that a box of coffee filters is rather cheap and it doesn't hurt to keep one around, just in case.

Life is hard enough as it is and it is a great comfort knowing that God is there to help. His word is a life saver and always provides excellent guidelines for any situation.

It so turns out that reading The Bible and going to Him in prayer only costs a little time, but the return is beyond compare, beyond imagination, and even beyond this earthly life!

Psalm 34:6
This poor man cried out, and the LORD heard him, And saved him out of all his troubles.


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