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Friday, February 22, 2008

Have Fun!

From experience I know how difficult it is, if not impossible, to have fun with kids and grandkids, when you are in pain. I couldn't participate in lots of activities without having to pay dearly for it. Sometimes I really couldn't do it at all. It led to much disappointment on my girls part and mine as well.

Here are some indoor tips that will help!

With a little imagination and a few changes in activities, it’s possible to come up with several ways to have fun with the grandchildren while minimizing physical discomfort.

And, as an added benefit to people with chronic conditions, several of these activities involve exercise, which can alleviate joint pain. Others stimulate the brain, which can ward off early signs of Alzheimer’s disease.

Get up and set up.

Knee-punishing floor games, such as stacking blocks, putting puzzles together and assembling Legos or magnetic building sets, can become table activities. You can sort pieces and help figure out directions.

Get crafty.
Working together on craft projects, such as scrapbooks, collages or special-occasion cards, is a great way to encourage little ones’ creativity. You even could supply them with easy-to-use disposable cameras to take photos for their projects. Provide kid-safe plastic scissors, and assign grandkids the task of cutting while you do the gluing.

Bond and support.
Playing catch may not be an option if you have sore shoulders, but you can find other pain-free ways of bonding with little sports fans. Involve them in collecting baseball cards, pennants or other memorabilia from their favorite team. Share in their hobby by taking them to games, trading events or the local library to search for information on players they like.

Start scavenging.
Obtain various restaurant coupons, movie passes or sporting event tickets before the grandchildren visit, and hide them throughout the house. Hold a scavenger hunt in which the first kid to find one is permitted to choose the event for the day.

Mix it up.
Whip up a batch of sugar cookies. Grandparents can supervise the measuring of ingredients and sliding the baking sheets in and out of the oven, while the youngsters mix the batter, press out shapes with cookie cutters, and decorate with frosting and colored sugar.

Reward helpers.
Cleaning works best when older children handle more strenuous tasks, such as vacuuming, and Grandma or Grandpa dusts. Allow youngsters to keep any loose change they find underneath and behind sofa cushions. Smart grandparents might even want to hide change ahead of time to motivate housekeeping helpers.
~By Sherry B. Hanson, Arthritis Foundation.

I have no doubt you can come up with several indoor-activities you can do with those little critters, without having to press through pain. You are more then welcome to share. You may be helping someone else out enjoying their time with their children and grand-children.

Besides, isn't helping others so much more rewarding and fullfilling?! It may open doors for them they haven't thought about. Or rather... God may use you to be a help and open doors! :-)

Psalm 46:1
God is our refuge and strength, A very present help in trouble.


Blogger Missy said...

Corry, even without physical limitations, I think these are all great ideas in spending time with your kids or grandkids while giving them a little independence. I often over-plan and do too much instead of help and nurture their own skills and interests.

Have a beautiful weekend! I am praying that the whole family is more rested, well into recovery and thoroughly enjoying one another.


February 22, 2008 7:50 AM  
Blogger Corry said...

You are right, I didn't even consider that. Thanks for pointing out it is not a matter of physical limitations.

We are resting up and it seems like we are on the road to recovery. Kc is still having a cough and the doc pumped me full of extra strong anti biotics. It seems to be working. Praise The Lord!

Have a joyful and very blessed weekend y'all!

God's Grace.

February 22, 2008 8:04 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thanks for all of the tips on playing with grandkids, Corry. I have three little granddaughters close by, so will have to put some of these into practice.

Much love (& great weekend!),


February 22, 2008 5:20 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi Corry,

I always find little things to do , in fact when they know they are coming they always ask me what I'm gona find for them to do ? The girls like to do cookies or cook different foods. I even got cole to liking cooking ! He says one day it might come in handy .

They ask me what kind of toys I had when growing up ! Then I have to build them a wooden pistol - or a homemade popgun where you take a 12 inch piece of elderberry tree and clean the cork out of the center and then whittle a stick of wood down to fit hole in center of elderberry tree and then wait for the chinaberry tree makes some chinaberries and prime the popgun with chinaberries and shoot at each other. You could draw an occasional blister if you could aim it right .

Another toy was to take empty thread spools and notch the ends and take rubberband and put in middle of spool after putting a tack on the other end and then attach about a 6 inch stick and then wind it up and watch it climb a little mound of dirt ! Oh and they were excited when I showed them how to make a homemade telephone with 2 empty cans and about 150 feet of string ?

Me and my cousins didn't get any bought toys we made our own ! Them was the good old days ?

Blessings .

February 23, 2008 8:23 PM  
Blogger audrey` said...

Dearest Lieve Zus

You're doing a very fantastic job with your grandsons =)
They've the best grandma in the world =)))

February 24, 2008 12:39 AM  
Blogger Corry said...

I hope the tips are helpful. I intend to put some of them to use as soon as our grandbabies are big enough.

Which goes faster than we think!!! :-)

Have a very blessed Sunday!

Those are great tips. One of them reminded me of something we did when we were young. A piece of plastic pipe, a small piece of paper which you wrap around your finger and pull into an arrow. Spit the point of the arrow well so it will stick together, hehe. Fit it in the pipe and blow it.

One for the girls: put a ball in an old panty hose, tie a not in the end to keep the ball in place. Make a loop at the front to stick your foot through and start turning it around with one foot, skipping over it with the other. They got a modern version like that in the toy stores made of plastic. Anyway, this is cheaper and fun, just don't get your panties in a wad, haha.

Thanks again for the tips. I bet your grandkids love all you teach them and do for them.

Have a very blessed day, Grandpaw!

Thanks, we sure try, which is not hard to do with such little big blessings! :-D

(((HUGS))) Lieve Zus and many blessings to you and yours.

God's Grace.

February 24, 2008 5:21 AM  
Blogger audrey` said...

Dearest Corry

You said it just right.
"Simple to do with such little big blessings!"

(((HUGS))) to you too =)

Much blessings to you, your 4 lovely daughters, your 2 cute grandsons and your beloved KC =)))

February 25, 2008 10:13 PM  
Blogger Corry said...

And many blessings back to you and yours!

Have a great day, Lieve Zus, filled with lots of joy and God's Grace.

God's Grace.

February 26, 2008 7:33 AM  
Blogger audrey` said...

Praise Him
no more pain =)))


all thanks to
His healing power
His grace
your prayers
and olive oil

i am feeling so well now
i still must slow down
and slim down

(((HUGS))) Corry =)

February 26, 2008 4:38 PM  
Blogger Corry said...

Praise The Lord!!!:-D

I am so grateful you are feeling better.

God's Grace.

February 27, 2008 7:38 AM  
Blogger jel said...

Hey there!

how are ya?

bet them grandkids have u and big KC wraped around their fingers :)


February 29, 2008 8:31 PM  
Blogger Corry said...

We are doing fine, still on the mend and yeah, kids got us busy, hehe.


God's Grace.

March 04, 2008 6:52 AM  

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