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Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Stay Away!

You already know by now to be careful when using botanicals and other supplements. You may still be a bit stubborn and want to try it your way, thinking it may probably be not as bad as it sounds. I can't stop you, however I can and will warn you to stay away from the following supplements and why:

Arnica (Arnica Montana)
Claim: Relieves aches; an anti-inflammatory and immune enhancer
Why you should avoid it: Can cause miscarriages, allergic reactions, paralysis, heart palpitations, death

Aconite (Aconitum napellus)
Claim: Eases joint inflammation, gout, RA
Why you should avoid it: Is a fast-acting poison that affects the heart

Adrenal, spleen, thymus extracts
Claim: Helps fatigue, and relives stress and inflammation
Why you should avoid it: Derived from animal organs. FDA warns organs could possibly contaminated.

Autumn crocus (Colchicum autumnale)
Claim: Lessens gout attacks and eases general arthritis
Why you should avoid it: Is a potential poison. Taken only as a prescription drug (colchicine) under a doctor's supervision.

Claim: Helps fibromyalgia, sleep disorders and depression
Why you should avoid it: Associated with esosinophilia myalgia, a serious illness that causes severe rashes, acute pain and other symptoms.

GBL Gamma-butyrolactone
Claim: Helps fibromyalgia, sleep problems, depression, claims to "improve sexual and athletic performance and health"
Why should you avoid it: Has been linked to death, coma and seizures.

Claim: Eases sleep disorders and depression
Why you should avoid it: Is illegal in the United States. Associated with esosinophilia myalgia, a serious illness that causes severe rashes, acute pain and other symptoms.

Claim: Reduces inflammation
Why you should avoid it: Is poisonous. May cause hepatitis and kidney and liver damage.

Kombucha tea
Claim: Helps "rheumatism" and eases pain
Why you should avoid it: Has a high risk of contamination with anthrax and other bacteria.
Arthrits Foundation

Forewarned is forearmed, or as the Dutch saying goes: a warned man counts for two.

No matter how promising the words may sound, no matter how tempting it may be to give it a try, stay away from it. You may seem to be doing fine at the start, but it can ruin you in the long run.

That goes for any temptation. It may feel good in the beginning, but in the long run the effects are devastating. God gives us the strength to overcome temptation and the opportunity to flea from it . It is our choice, decision and responsibility to do so!

James 1:12
Blessed is the man who endures temptation; for when he has been approved, he will receive the crown of life which the Lord has promised to those who love Him


Anonymous Anonymous said...

haven't heard any of those except now. hmm...

June 18, 2008 4:13 AM  
Blogger Corry said...

I am glad you haven't, that means you never tried them and endangered yourself, hehe.

I have heard of arnica before, but never used it. I was quite astonished to read why several of these needed to be avoided!


God's Grace.

June 18, 2008 5:30 AM  
Blogger jel said...

hi corry!


June 19, 2008 5:36 AM  
Blogger audrey` said...

So scary...
Thank you, Lieve Zus =)

June 19, 2008 8:57 AM  
Blogger audrey` said...

Dearest Lieve Zus

How is KC's Daddy's operation?
Praying for his quick and speedy recovery =)

June 19, 2008 9:12 AM  
Blogger Corry said...

Hey Sis! :-D
Hope you are doing well.


A warned man (woman is our case, hehe)....!

FIL was supposed to have a date set for the surgery today, but he postponed it, because he wanted a second opinion first. A wise decision I think. We will keep you informed though.


God's Grace.

June 19, 2008 7:39 PM  

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