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Saturday, July 19, 2008

He Did It

Our 5 month old grand son is just as cute as his big brother. He is always smiling and his smile is so big, I sometimes am afraid it is going to crack his little face open.

He loves to stand up and the way he watches his big bro, indicates how much he would like to get up and play with him. It will happen soon enough, he has to get all the other parts down first, like sitting up, crawling, etc. But, he is well on his way.

Last Saturday, he was laying on the floor on a blanket, looking around, enjoying all the attention. He had been trying to roll over. He has been coming close, but hadn't succeeded yet. He keeps on trying though.

Both his Mom and me watched as he rolled to his side. We could see him push himself a bit further, to a point where he was balancing between rolling over on his tummy, or rolling back.

"That's how far he gets, all the time", his Mom said. "Although, it seems like he might make it this time?".

Just as she had said it, he rolled over to his tummy, for the first time! We both were so excited and proud of him. Not to mention the little critter himself.

Leaning on his arms, he looked around with a huge, victorious smile on his face, as if he was to say: "Look, I did it.

Yes my little man, you did it!!! :-D

Romans 5:3-4
3Not only so, but we also rejoice in our sufferings, because we know that suffering produces perseverance; 4perseverance, character; and character, hope.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hello Corry,

Sometimes I wish I had just some of their energy and determination ? They are at the age they will start learning from Opa and Oma and all the littles things you can tell them about later in their life ?

They are precious little critters you can get so attached too ?

Blessings and many thanks to ya'll for all the encouragement and prayers for Cole and Taylor ? I don't remember if I told you that you could read about Taylor by clicking on my August 2007 archives and scrolling down.


July 20, 2008 9:11 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Corry, Thanks for sharing about the little ones. They are so cute and so special at this age. May they continue to grow strong and healthy. Just wanted to tell you what a blessing you have been to me lately through your posts, etc.
I hope in the near future the Lord will allow us to meet face to face and fellowship together. Blessings to you.

July 21, 2008 12:37 PM  
Blogger Lenise said...

Daniel has recently performed the same trick. They grow up so fast!

July 21, 2008 10:01 PM  
Blogger jel said...

What no pic of it?



July 22, 2008 10:28 AM  
Blogger Corry said...

I know we lead by example and I may not be the best one to teach them things, haha.

You are most welcome. We read about Taylor and we are grateful we can pray and will continue to do so, for all.

Have a very blessed day and please keep us informed about Cole and Taylor? Thanks so much.

When my posts are an encouragement, then I can only say "Thank You, Lord!"

I know your posts are always encouraging to me and prodding me to ponder on things that might have escaped me. Thanks! :-)

As far as meeting goes, we ought to make that happen soon, God willing. I know both Kc and I would love that.

Many blessings to you and yours.

They grow up way too fast! I saw the pics of your little critters and they are already so big! Still as cute as ever, though. :-)

Have a wonderful and blessed day!

Nope, no pic. Sorry, I will do better next time :-)

(((HUGS))) and blessings.

God's Grace.

July 23, 2008 5:33 AM  
Blogger audrey` said...

He did it!
We're so proud of Baby Leo =)

July 26, 2008 8:59 AM  
Blogger Corry said...

We are! The other day he was rolling over, and over, and over. He tought that was the funniest thing ever. At least that's what April told us. I wish we had seen it. I am sure we will sometime soon. :-)

(((HUGS))) Lieve Zus.

God's Grace.

July 26, 2008 2:29 PM  

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