Bouncy Baby
A while back, April sent us this picture of little Leo. He was having a blast, bouncing up and down, untill all of a sudden, he fell asleep.
Isn't that adorable? He seems comfy where he is at, although I can not imagine it is a very comfortable position to be in. I suppose, when you are tired enough, you sleep anywhere, huh?
I am guessing he was jumping, trying to catch some Zzzzs. Seems like he was successful at it. :-)
It is so nice to be able to rest anywhere and sleep, knowing we are safe and secure. God is watching over us.
Proverbs 1:33
But whoever listens to me will dwell safely, And will be secure, without fear of evil."
I am guessing he was jumping, trying to catch some Zzzzs. Seems like he was successful at it. :-)
It is so nice to be able to rest anywhere and sleep, knowing we are safe and secure. God is watching over us.
Proverbs 1:33
But whoever listens to me will dwell safely, And will be secure, without fear of evil."
Hi Corry and LIT"L Leo,
Corry them bouncy,s are a very good activity for the little ones ! Between my living room and kitchen when Cole was about His age I nailed two boards , one on each side of the header between them to fasten it and Cole would get fussy untill we put him in it ? Then he would stay busy for several hours ! He would usually fall asleep too !
Them lit'l ones are really growing . Give them a big ole hug for me !
Blessings and hoping ya'll have a good weekend !
Ps--- Thank the Lord I have had another descent week ?
very cute!
Awwww little Leo is so very cute! :)
Thanks Corry for the great reminder that the Lord is watching over us all the time, and we can rest wherever we are! (hugs)
I will pass on the hug to the babies.
Leo loves to bounce and it shows in his little leggies. They are so beefy from all that jumping, haha.
We are grateful to hear you had a decent week and we pray it will continue.
We have so much going on right now, it is just horrible. We will fill you in as soon as we get a chance. On top of all the fires, all of us are sick with a cold virus as well. But we have faith.:-)
Have a very blessed weekend, Grandpaw.
Yeah he is and I was grateful to be able to post a picture. :-D
(((HUGS))) and blessings.
You are most welcome. I have to remind myself of that many times and also to count my blessings. They are all around us. :-)
(((HUGS))) and blessing to you.
God's Grace.
so cute. I am thankful the Lord let's us know when we need to rest. He is ever faithful. Thanks for sharing this picture. Blessings.
That is adorable, too cute!
I was grateful to be able to share and you are right. God knows what we need and when. :-)
Blessings to y'all.
Thanks, he is isn't he. :-)
Have a very blessed day.
God's Grace.
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