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Tuesday, May 12, 2009

An Apple A Day

I think we all are very familiar with the expression 'an apple a day, keeps the doctor away'. This old saying did not come out of the blue. There is an excellent reason for this statement as you can read here:

One medium apple provides an excellent source of fiber, and Red Delicious, Granny Smith, and Gala all rank in the top 20 on the USDA’s list of foods highest in antioxidants per serving size (80 calories).

Antioxidant levels actually increase as apples ripen. Apples are a top source of the antioxidant quercetin which may reduce the risk of Alzheimer's disease as well as lung and prostate cancers.

Cornell University researcher found liver cancer cells treated with 50 mg of apple extract decreased cancer cell growth by 57%. But put down that peeler: A medium-sized Red Delicious apple with skin has about twice as much fiber and 45% more antioxidants than a naked one.
~Source: Dole Food Facts.

Apples can be bought all year long and there are so many varieties and flavors that there is always one that suits your taste. Even if you bite a sour apple, don't let it upset your apple cart. Just remember that it is for your own good and eating healthy does not necessarily mean that it has to taste awful.

Many recipes can be found for apple pies and cobblers and a fruit salad is not complete without it. In The Netherlands, sliced apples are battered, deep fried and coated with confectionated sugar. This treat is typical for Christmas and New Year.

Of course we can always pour ourselves a glass of apple juice and have some apple sauce on the side. If you have some more recipes for cooking with apples, I would love to hear it.

Apples are not just rich in vitamins, supplements and whatever else our body needs, it is a very tasty snack as well.

Psalm 17:8
Keep me as the apple of Your eye; Hide me under the shadow of Your wings,


Blogger Missy said...

Corry, I'm surrounded by apple orchards! I love that about New England. We look forward to my mile-high apple pies in October. I like them most in my salads, though. When it gets hot down there this summer try a cool tuna salad with some diced granny smith apples - I use a can of tuna, 2 chopped boiled eggs, a few chopped baby sweet pickles, a large diced gs apple and enough mayo to keep it from drying. Add a box of whole wheat pasta and a you've got enough to feed a whole family lunch for a week!

May 12, 2009 7:40 AM  
Blogger Corry said...

Thanks so much for the recipe. We love tuna salad, but I never thought of adding diced apples to it. I will definitely try that.

I love apple pies. In the Netherlands they are usually served with whipped cream on top, or warm with vanilla sauce/icing. I am not sure what it consists off, I would have to look it up, but it is yummie! :-)

God's Grace.

May 12, 2009 8:00 AM  
Blogger Refreshment in Refuge said...


Thank you, Corry, for remembering my birthday. I've quit counting them, you know.

Apples are one of my favorite foods.

Outrageous Oatmeal Muffins
16 oz carton of egg whites whipped
1 cup self rising flour
1 to 1.5 cups Splenda or Altern is cheaper.
1 Tbls baking powder
1/2 box bran flakes
3 cups oatmeal
1 cup to 1.5 cups apple sauce
1 cup buttermilk
1 to 1.5 teaspoon cinnamon
sprinkle of ground cloves

(If you don't froth up the egg whites like a merangue, then the muffins are really heavy. I learned this the hard way.)

For non-diabetics and those not on a diet, you can add raisens to taste.

Fill muffin tins (should make 24-30 muffins)

Bake at 375 for 18-20 minutes or until golden brown around the edges. After cooling, keep in fridge.

This is a GREAT breakfast and tastes wonderful. It is the equivilent of one bowl of oatmeal and 2 egg whites. It really keeps you from getting hungry before lunch. It is also a great mid-morning snack and will help you to eat less during the day. I love them and it is my own recipe that I designed by trial and error :D

May 12, 2009 10:28 AM  
Blogger Corry said...

You are most welcome and I hope you had a wonderful day!

Thanks so much for this recipe, we all love muffins and these sound delicious. I will bake them sometime soon and let you know how they turned out.:-D


God's Grace.

May 12, 2009 11:41 AM  
Blogger audrey` said...

Apple! We love apples and bananas =)

I don't know how to choose sweet peach and apricot. HaHa!

May 13, 2009 3:27 AM  
Blogger Corry said...

I do; just take a bite, hahahaha.


God's Grace.

May 13, 2009 8:36 AM  

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