Fish Oil Supplement
I have already done several posts on fish oil a while back and on the positive effects this oil has on RA and other related conditions. I would like to bring it back under your attention.
Fish Oil
Oil from cold-water fish such as mackerel, salmon, herring, tuna, halibut and cod.
Fish, capsules or chewable tablets. For general health, two 3-ounce servings of fish a week are recommended. However, it's difficult to get a therapeutic dose of fish oil from food alone. To treat arthritis-related conditions, use fish oil capsules with at least 30 percent EPA/ DHA, the active ingredients. For lupus and psoriasis, 2 g EPA/DHA three times a day. For Raynaud's phenomenon, 1 g four times a day. For RA, up to 2.6 g fish oil (1.6 g EPA) twice a day.
Reduces inflammation and morning stiffness. Treats RA, lupus, psoriasis, depression and Raynaud's phenomenon. Important for brain function and may inhibit RA development.
What we know:
Fish oil is an excellent source of omega-3 fatty acids, which can reduce inflammation. Fish oil lowers blood trigylceride (fats that circulate in the bloodstream), protecting against heart disease and reducing high blood pressure.
An analysis of nine studies of people with RA taking omega-3's showed a reduction in the number of tender joints but no reduction in joint damage. In six studies, people with RA were able to reduce their dosages of NSAIDs or corticosteroids. A 2005 study of people with RA showed enhanced positive effects when fish oil supplements were used in combination with olive oil.
Women who are pregnant or hoping to conceive should avoid shark, swordfish, king mackerel and tilefish, and should eat no more than 8 ounces of albacore tuna each month, due to potentially dangerous levels of mercury. Fish oil supplements at normal doses are safe. Look for brands that follow good manufacturing practices and contain fish oils without mercury.
~Source: Arthritis Foundation.
It is also said that fish oil is a good anti-depressant and seems to aid against two eye-problems: age-related macular degeneration and dry eye syndrome. It also gives the skin a smoother look, with fewer blemishes, detoxifies the body and gives more energy.
I couldn't find any recipes about cooking with fish oil, but let's keep those fish-fries going! It's tasty, healthy, part of a good diet and fun.
Those fish-fries also stimulate the gathering together with fellow Christians. We shouldn't overlook that. It is healthy, part of a good life, encouraging, and another reason to rejoice in God's provisions. :-)
Hebrews 10:24-26
24 And let us consider one another in order to stir up love and good works, 25 not forsaking the assembling of ourselves together, as is the manner of some, but exhorting one another, and so much the more as you see the Day approaching.
Fish Oil

Oil from cold-water fish such as mackerel, salmon, herring, tuna, halibut and cod.
Fish, capsules or chewable tablets. For general health, two 3-ounce servings of fish a week are recommended. However, it's difficult to get a therapeutic dose of fish oil from food alone. To treat arthritis-related conditions, use fish oil capsules with at least 30 percent EPA/ DHA, the active ingredients. For lupus and psoriasis, 2 g EPA/DHA three times a day. For Raynaud's phenomenon, 1 g four times a day. For RA, up to 2.6 g fish oil (1.6 g EPA) twice a day.
Reduces inflammation and morning stiffness. Treats RA, lupus, psoriasis, depression and Raynaud's phenomenon. Important for brain function and may inhibit RA development.
What we know:
Fish oil is an excellent source of omega-3 fatty acids, which can reduce inflammation. Fish oil lowers blood trigylceride (fats that circulate in the bloodstream), protecting against heart disease and reducing high blood pressure.
An analysis of nine studies of people with RA taking omega-3's showed a reduction in the number of tender joints but no reduction in joint damage. In six studies, people with RA were able to reduce their dosages of NSAIDs or corticosteroids. A 2005 study of people with RA showed enhanced positive effects when fish oil supplements were used in combination with olive oil.
Women who are pregnant or hoping to conceive should avoid shark, swordfish, king mackerel and tilefish, and should eat no more than 8 ounces of albacore tuna each month, due to potentially dangerous levels of mercury. Fish oil supplements at normal doses are safe. Look for brands that follow good manufacturing practices and contain fish oils without mercury.
~Source: Arthritis Foundation.
It is also said that fish oil is a good anti-depressant and seems to aid against two eye-problems: age-related macular degeneration and dry eye syndrome. It also gives the skin a smoother look, with fewer blemishes, detoxifies the body and gives more energy.
I couldn't find any recipes about cooking with fish oil, but let's keep those fish-fries going! It's tasty, healthy, part of a good diet and fun.
Those fish-fries also stimulate the gathering together with fellow Christians. We shouldn't overlook that. It is healthy, part of a good life, encouraging, and another reason to rejoice in God's provisions. :-)
Hebrews 10:24-26
24 And let us consider one another in order to stir up love and good works, 25 not forsaking the assembling of ourselves together, as is the manner of some, but exhorting one another, and so much the more as you see the Day approaching.
Oh yeah! Cod liver oil is popular in this part of the world =) The recommended dosage is 3 tbsp per day.
Top Health Blogger Award =)))
Make sure to use pharmaceutical-grade fish oils. These highly purified fish oils are analyzed to ensure they contain minimal amounts of mercury, PCB's, dioxins and other contaminants. Other health benefits of fish oils include enhancement of cognitive function in newborns and decrease in menopausal symptoms in women.
There was something like that in the Netherlands and let me assure you, it tasted awful!!
Thanks, Lieve Zus.:-D
Healthy Oil Guy,
Thanks for the information. You can not be careful enough these days.
God's Grace.
Good Morning!
I am new to blogging (my first time) and to RA. I am finding your site to be very comforting. I am in the very first stages of learning what this is all about and what this will mean for me. I have not been to a Rheumatologist yet but feel the symptoms of what others are describing. The only thing I know at this point is that I have (+) blood work RF=101 and symptoms. Do you know if this is considered to be a high value? Does this mean advanced disease? I am very scared. I apologize if I jumped in at the wrong spot on the blog as you were talking about fish oil. I was not sure where a newbie should begin a conversation. Any info you could provide would be so helpful to me at this point. I cannot get into a Rheumatologist until 5/14/09.
Welcome to my site and please don't apologise, you can start a conversation and ask for help and information anytime. :-)
To answer your questions; I don't know if the blood work indicates a high level. I never looked in to that.
Advanced disease? You may have what is called a 'flare--up'. This is when RA, or Arthritis is active. It does mean that you may have some form of Arthritis. I don't know if you already have been diagnosed with RA. It could well be one of the many other forms. Usually, they can only tell which type it is after a period of time, seeing how the disease progresses.
I symphatise and emphatise with you being scared. Please, even though it is hard to do, try not to be. There are really good medications these days to control and stop the disease and even during flare-ups there are lots of good gadgets, information and tips to help you through.
Try not to let it get you down. You may have to rearrange your life a bit, it is not the end of your life though! Not by any means. :-)
I hope this helps some. Drop in anytime with any question you may have. If you like, you can always e-mail me:
Try to have faith, it will all work out. :-)
God's Grace.
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