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Thursday, July 23, 2009

Aquatic Therapy

I know from experience that when in pain, I tried to do as little as possible. When the flare-up of my RA was gone however, I noticed how weak my muscles were and how much strength I had lost. So the next time I had a flare-up I pushed through the pain in order to maintain my strength.

It takes a lot of will power to do that and there is a much less painful way to keep your strength up. One of the best and even very enjoyable activities is Aquatic therapy; it puts no pressure on the joints, but will strengthen the muscles. The last will benefit you to relieve your joints as well.

Those of you who had physical therapy may have already been advised to go swimming on a regular basis. Maybe a part of the therapy was conducted in a Rehab Pool under supervision and instructions by the therapist. In that case, you already have experienced the beneficial effects of exercising in water.

There are several problems though which can make it extremely difficult to be able to get to a pool: you may be pressed for time, you have young children and no one to baby sit, or you may just not be able to drive. Who knows, there may not even be a swimming pool in your neck of the woods.

It would be the ideal solution to have your own Swim spa. They are not as expensive as you may think and they don't take up too much space either. It would allow for exercising whenever it would be most convenient to you. I suspect it would even increase your sense of independence and that is worth almost as much as your health. :-)


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