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Thursday, October 22, 2009


The celery plant can grow up to 3 feet high, although a height of one foot or less is more common. Mostly the stalks of the celery plant are eaten ,either raw or cooked. The seeds can and often are used as seasoning, while the oil derived from the seeds is mainly used in the perfume and pharmaceutical industry.

Apium graveolens

Sometimes dismissed as a nutrition zero, celery is more like a nutrition hero. Two medium-sized stalks (110g) of celery provide an excellent source of vitamin K, which protects against fractures, and a good source of vitamin C which promotes collagen formation, folate for heart health and lower risk of birth defects, and potassium which helps maintain healthy blood pressure levels - all for just 20 calories.

Moreover, celery contains quercetin, a phytochemical that boosts immunity and may reduce the risk of Alzheimer’s.

A new study from Case Western Reserve University found that another celery phytonutrient, apigenin, may slow prostate tumor growth.
~Source: Dole Food Facts.

Besides a great amount of vitamin C and K, celery also provides dietary fiber, potassium, folate, molybdenum, manganese and vitamin B6. Celery is a good source of calcium, vitamin B1, vitamin B2, magnesium, vitamin A, phosphorus and iron.

Due to being such a good source of fiber, celery can easily be incorporated in a diet; the fibers assist the loss of weight. It also functions very well as a substitute for animal products. According to what I read online, it seems to be a good pain reliever, as well as a slight diuretic.

All parts of this plant can be used either for food or for seasoning and kept in an environment of 32 to 36 F, the harvested celery can stay fresh for up to 7 weeks. Sealed in a container, wrapped in a damp cloth or plastic bag will keep the celery fresh in the fridge. Freezing is not recommended, unless you are going to use it cooked, otherwise it will loose its crispness.

I used to cook chopped celery and carrots together, drain, add a little butter and sugar and serve it. Chopped celery can also be added to tuna fish or chicken salad and it gives a nice flavor to soups, stews and casseroles.

I was surprised to read that Celery, besides peanuts, is one of the main causes for allergic reactions. Taking that in to consideration, I was even more surprised to find a recipe where celery stalks are used to dip in peanutbutter as a snack. So, in case you are allergic to it, stay away!

Even though celery is rich in sodium, it still can be added to a low sodium diet. Two stalks of celery (about a cup full of chopped stalks) only contain 100mg. Yes, you would have to mind the rest of your sodium intake, but from experience I know that should not be very hard to do.

Even though too much salt is not good for the body, the intake of God's word can never be too much and we should not neglect consuming a good daily dose of it. It contains and provides all we need to live a healthy and happy life.

Matthew 5:13
"You are the salt of the earth; but if the salt loses its flavor, how shall it be seasoned? It is then good for nothing but to be thrown out and trampled underfoot by men.


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