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Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Therapeutic Fun

One of the exercises which were recommended to me, after I was diagnosed with Rheumatoid Arthritis, was swimming. At that time there was no such thing as Aquaerobics. Therapists at the hospital had a small swimming pool for their patients, but they had little to no aquatic therapy equipment at their disposal and the pool was hardly used.

The only option to get some swimming done was to go to the public pool. I don't know if you have ever tried to get some laps done with lots of kids playing in the water around you; it is practically impossible. You should be grateful to have a small space to yourself and use it pretending to be on a water treadmill. I gave up on it after a couple of times.

Things have changed so much ever since then; there are special groups and certain times set aside, especially for those who need or want the physical exercise. Since it has been proven to be very medicinal and ensures a quicker and fuller recovery after joint surgery, many therapists have specialized in teaching these 'classes'.

Unfortunately not everyone is in a position to attend these classes; they may have no transportation, it may be too far to travel, or they just can not spare the time. For those people one of those Swim Spas would be an ideal solution. They could use it whenever they had the time, even if it was in the middle of the night.

It does not take up much space and can be installed indoors, as well as outdoors. One can adjust the resistance of the water, swim in place, do some other exercises and strengthen the muscles without putting any pressure on the joints.

I first became aware of the Swim Spa through a commercial on TV and I thought to myself: 'That's the route to go, or in this case... the route to swim!'


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