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Thursday, October 22, 2009

I Started To Cry...

Sometimes a blessing comes in a totally unexpected way. Take yesterday for example. Hubby had to go to a dredge boat for work. When he came back, I asked him if all went well and he replied:

Hubby: "I first had to get in the boat which took me to the dredge. When we got there, the only way to get on the barge was to step on a steel cable. That went well and I got on it without falling in the water. As soon as I stepped on the barge, I lost my balance and fell down on my hands and knees."

Me: "Oh gosh, are you alright?"

H: "Yes, I am fine. I hurt my knee a little and I started to cry. He handed me a handkerchief."

Me, raising my eyebrow: "Huh????"

H: "Then I had to climb up the ladder to the upper deck. You know the ladders on a boat are vertical, right? Well, I started climbing up, but it was not attached very well. So, at one point I am hanging there in mid air, holding on for dear life, trying to hoist myself up. I finally reach the top and had to step all around it to get on the deck. I managed doing that without falling backwards in to the water or on to the barge. I started to cry and he handed me a handkerchief."

Me, finally getting the jest of it: "Hahahaha".

H, grinning: "I told the guy how much I hated that ladder. I started to cry and he handed me a handkerchief."

By that time I was laughing so loud, I was about to fall out of my chair. It had been a while since I laughed so hard and it lifted my spirit. It was needed and a great blessing. It made me realize once more that there is much more to life then just problems and concerns.

God works in mysterious ways and gives what is needed. I laughed and laughed until I started to cry. He handed me a handkerchief. Grin.

Proverbs 15:13
A merry heart makes a cheerful countenance, But by sorrow of the heart the spirit is broken.


Blogger audrey` said...

HaHa! HeHe! I had a good laugh too =)

Thank you so much for sharing your wisdom with me. I'm very grateful, Lieve Zus =)

October 22, 2009 8:22 AM  
Blogger Corry said...

I thought it was too funny not to share and I am grateful too. :-)


God's Grace.

October 22, 2009 8:43 AM  

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