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Monday, June 20, 2005


How often have we heard the phrase: History repeats itself? Or as is said in the Bible under Ecclesiastes 1:9 That which has been is what will be, That which is done is what will be done, And there is nothing new under the sun. Several times I think, at least I have:-) And when I look at it, I recognize it more and more. It's a cycle, running it's course from up, down, and then up again. Till it completed itself, only to start over again.

I see it in the progression of the RA. The times I feel good and I experience none or hardly any negative effects at all. That is the top of the cycle. Then the pain starts and gets worse and worse and at the bottom of the cycle my physical activity is hindered. And after that the climbing up begins. Activity level increases, pain diminishes, RA is stable/inactive again. Cycle complete, till the next time.

I see it in daily life. I get up in the morning, attend to my responsibilities during the day, go to bed in the evening. I know we don't look at it that way, but it is another completed cycle. And yes... each day is different (thank the Lord, for that would be boring haha), but still, it is a cycle and according to me a good one. I know, some of you disagree, but hey, suppose we would never get up? Who would take care of our responsibilities? God gave us all a purpose. Think about that!

Another example: one moment we are on top of the world. Things are going great. Something occurs and it all seems to fall apart, hopelessness and self-pity set in. Yep, we invented a word for that. It's called depression. And I say "seems", for nothing is as it seems and nothing stays the same. (Now, if that isn't hopeful???). And at the bottom of our despair...a slow change, all is getting better and up we go again. Sure, nobody likes to hurt or feel bad. But even bad feelings and emotional hurt have their reasons. Often it's an indicator that we need to change something in our lives to improve it. I see it as God pointing something out to me:-)

Even in spirituality there are ups and downs. Fear, doubt, self-judgment, insecurity at the bottom, and Love, Hope and Faith at the top of the cycle. We have to go through it to grow. What doesn't kill us makes us stronger. Spiritually, mentally, emotionally and even physically. It is never-ending.

One thing doesn't change and we can constantly count on it. God is always there when we turn to Him. That is a given and the best never-ending cycle there is:-)

Romans 10:13
For "whoever calls on the name of the LORD shall be saved."


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yes, thank goodness that at least God is a constant. :)

October 14, 2005 3:11 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi! I found you via Drink Deeper-> Dancing the Tides.

I have been blessed reading your archives (I was diagnosed with JRA in 5th grade, so about 20(!) years ago). Your doctor post made me smile because it reminded me of my own rheumatologist, who, sadly, is retiring =[ I still haven't decided what to do.

Anyway, thanks for your blog! And I love the drawings =]

October 14, 2005 3:17 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

thanks and yeah i'm alive just been really busy and can only keep up with one blog...haha have a great day!

October 14, 2005 3:18 PM  
Blogger Corry said...


Thank you for visiting and the comment. It is appreciated.
I am humbled and grateful for God's presence in my life:-)


Thanks for visiting and the comment. Sorry to hear about your RA, but I know God will give you all you need and we will include you in our prayers:-) I do pray you will get another good rheumatologist. Since we have so many dealings with them it is important to be able to trust them.
I am grateful you liked the drawings. God can turn a mess into gold:-)

Hey Stephanie:

Glad to know you are fine. You got us a little concerned:-)Drop us a line every now and then? We hope you had a great day!

God's Grace.

October 14, 2005 3:20 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I have heard it said that there are 3 kinds of people in this world:

1. Those who have experienced great trials.

2. Those who are currently experiencing great trials.

3. Those who are about to experience great trials.

And that would put us all in that "cycle".

I appreciated your post so much as I seem currently to be in the "down" cycle. (And Yet will I praise Him!!) I find it extremely comforting to look back at the times the Lord has brought me through so far. He is INDEED FAITHFUL!!

October 16, 2005 2:28 PM  
Blogger Corry said...


I am grateful for any help or encouragement I can be. You are in my prayers and yes, He is Faithful. I work hard to be constantly faithful to Him as well. Unfortunately I am not always. But I work to be as perfect as I can be and I know He will give me the strength and all I need to do so. All I have to do is accept it:-)

God's Grace.

October 16, 2005 2:29 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I heard this idea of the spiritual cycle compared once to the phrase 'wheel in the middle of the wheel' from Ezekiel, a comparison which I think I only remember because of a camp song with fun motions that involves the wheel.

Anyway, it went something like this: our spiritual growth can be tracked as a circle of dark and light times, where we learn to trust in darker and darker times that the light will return.

In this analogy, Jesus is the axle of the wheel, keeping us centered in the cycle, while we are out on the rim learning from the ride. Our reason for believing that the light will return is our connection to Jesus, who in bodily form made the ultimate transition from darkness to light when he rose from the grave.

I'm pretty sure this word-picture didn't sound nearly this Quakerish with the juxtaposition between the light and dark when I first heard it, since I heard it at an evangelical kids camp, but that's what it has become in my head.

October 16, 2005 2:46 PM  
Blogger Corry said...


Thanks for the comment, I am still pondering on it. In my humble opinion, when we circle around Jesus we would constantly be circling in the light:-) I seriously doubt my understanding of the picture you give, especially when I read it was told to kids haha. Forgive me:-)
I hope your school goes well and you will enjoy it:-)

God's Grace.

October 16, 2005 2:47 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Good reminder. It seems no matter how many times we go through the cycles, there's always that fear that bad, the hurt, the doubt may not go away this time. I think that is what the great contemplatives speak about in the Dark Night of the Soul. That's when all you can do is hang on by your teeth and pray.

October 17, 2005 8:50 AM  
Blogger Corry said...


Thanks for dropping in:-)
So true. Fear is a killer. Not only does it interfere with Faith, it also extends the time of the bad and the pain. Time we could have used so much more wisely and better.

God's Grace.

October 17, 2005 8:51 AM  

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