Frequently Asked Questions
Why me? What is the reason? What is the purpose? What do I do now?
I think at one point in our lives we have all asked ourselves at least one of these questions. I asked them all haha. Did I get answers? Yep, I did. Not always right away. Some were answered in time. Some I still struggle with. But I know God has a plan in all of it:-) The pic is there, not as a shock-effect, but to illustrate my statement and testimony. Although I can understand it may be somewhat upsetting to some of you. In that case I truly apologize. I learned to deal with it and even laugh about it and I pray you will laugh with me. Looking at my hands... I can easily reach around a corner without too much, or any effort at all, haha. Well, it may come in handy, you never know:-)

I am constantly amazed how gracious God is to me. I can still type, write, do crafts and most other things any of us used to do. As for the few things I can't do, God provided! I could always draw a little, but for some reason, that ability has been growing immensely. I do not know what He has in mind for it, but I have Faith He will show, in His time:-) I draw biblical images, that I see in my mind, while reading a verse. I do portraits from pictures (much easier than constantly urging the model to sit still, haha) and love to draw flowers. Just give me a pencil, paper and an eraser. Oh...and some time, haha.

The above questions? Those I can answer only for/pertaining to myself.
Why me?-- I figure God knew I was strong enough and had all the abilities to carry that burden.
What is the reason?-- I am still not quite sure, maybe to share, support and encourage? He will show.
What is the purpose?-- To be a testimony of His grace and mercy.
What do I do now?-- Accept it, make the best of it, count my blessing, have faith and courage!
The point I like to convey is this: even though things in life may not be, or go the way we want them, God gives us all we need. What seems to be a burden, can be used for testimony. God can take a mess and turn it into gold. All things work together for good, for those that love God.
Have you found your answers?
Let's count our blessings and be grateful:-)

Matthew 11:28
28Come to Me, all you who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest.
I think at one point in our lives we have all asked ourselves at least one of these questions. I asked them all haha. Did I get answers? Yep, I did. Not always right away. Some were answered in time. Some I still struggle with. But I know God has a plan in all of it:-) The pic is there, not as a shock-effect, but to illustrate my statement and testimony. Although I can understand it may be somewhat upsetting to some of you. In that case I truly apologize. I learned to deal with it and even laugh about it and I pray you will laugh with me. Looking at my hands... I can easily reach around a corner without too much, or any effort at all, haha. Well, it may come in handy, you never know:-)

I am constantly amazed how gracious God is to me. I can still type, write, do crafts and most other things any of us used to do. As for the few things I can't do, God provided! I could always draw a little, but for some reason, that ability has been growing immensely. I do not know what He has in mind for it, but I have Faith He will show, in His time:-) I draw biblical images, that I see in my mind, while reading a verse. I do portraits from pictures (much easier than constantly urging the model to sit still, haha) and love to draw flowers. Just give me a pencil, paper and an eraser. Oh...and some time, haha.

The above questions? Those I can answer only for/pertaining to myself.
Why me?-- I figure God knew I was strong enough and had all the abilities to carry that burden.
What is the reason?-- I am still not quite sure, maybe to share, support and encourage? He will show.
What is the purpose?-- To be a testimony of His grace and mercy.
What do I do now?-- Accept it, make the best of it, count my blessing, have faith and courage!
The point I like to convey is this: even though things in life may not be, or go the way we want them, God gives us all we need. What seems to be a burden, can be used for testimony. God can take a mess and turn it into gold. All things work together for good, for those that love God.
Have you found your answers?
Let's count our blessings and be grateful:-)

Matthew 11:28
28Come to Me, all you who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest.
What a beautiful and inspiring post...!
May you continued to be blessed along your journey...!
You are a perfect example of what Dr. Wayne Dyer teaches in "Power of Intentions". You manifest:
Unending Expansion
Unlimited Abundance
Peaceful Receptivity
Thank you for being there to inspire me.
Thank you very much but I consider this a case of "The pot calling the kettle black":-)
Thank you for the encouragement:-)
to everyone who posted a comment:
I would like to thank all of you for the encouragement. Your comments, your blogs and especially you as the persons you are, give me the courage, hope and inspiration to go on. You all are a blessing from God:-) Thank you Lord and again...thank all of you.
God's Grace.
Not only a shell sculptor, but an artist as well!!! All of our artwork is beautiful, Corry! :)
Hey R! Thanks girl. I pray you are doing well. I meant to send you a get well card, but I totally forgot. Forgive me please.
God gave me some creative abilities. I hope I can use them in His service:-)
God's Grace.
You clearly do have the strength to bear this - and you do it not just with grace, but with an inspiration for all of us.
Thank you for the compliment. I will pass it on to the Lord:-)
He may close one door, but He opens others! All according to His Will.
God's Grace.
Thanks for stopping by my blog and leaving a comment! It encourages me to keep on. This is my first time to visit your blog and I like what I see. You and God are both amazing! I love your drawings! Here's a request: draw Jesus' eyes--just His eyes. How would you draw them?
Looking forward to reading more of your blogs!
Your pictures are absolutely beautiful! :o)
Corry, this is so sad. I know God has something in store of you..not for you. You are a blessing ...truly a blessing!!! I enjoy your comments..and your email. Love ya gal!!!
This was a very amazing and inspirational entry. Your drawings are amazing. I noticed that after I was dianosed with Carpal Tunnel, I began writing like crazy, everyday. Whereas before, I would write every couple of weeks, months even.
There are always questions after being given an obstacle. It's how we manage to push through that obstacle that makes all the difference.
Hey, my name is Monica. There is so much I want to say here. The backstory might make the most sense first though. I am 26, and I've had JRA for 20 years. It's been "inactive" for the past 5 years or so. All that really means is a li'l less morning stiffness, and no further damage just dealing with the old stuff. I often though about (and have) written about my RA, but I just wanted to tell you you have an awesome ministry in the Lord in this way. So, thanks for posting, and if you ever want to chat my e-mail is I often get intimidated about posting about my RA, not because I feel like the imperfect human I am, but the imperfect Chrisitan, thanks for being so encouraging. Love in Christ, Monica
Welcome to my blog and thanks for the comment.
Sorry to hear about your JRA. Please, try not to be intimidated with writing about your RA. You never know how God uses it and how it can help and encourage others. And no one is perfect:-)
You are in my prayers. God bless you.
God's Grace.
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