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Friday, July 25, 2008

Cherry Flavored Fun

The other day April and our little critters came buy to spend the evening. As soon as she opened the front door, lil' Kc stepped in, ran up to me with one of his little arms stretched out.

He was so eager to show me what he got. I picked him up, just as April, who stepped in carrying our Leo said: "Don't touch him, he is sticky all over!"

Yup, I discovered that, since I had picked him up already. He had been sucking on a candy pacifier. His little face, hands and clothes, were covered with a thin layer of the sticky, sugary substance and he had already rubbed it off on me as well.

"Ohhh, he got it on your clothes now too!", April said.
I couldn't help but smile and told her I didn't mind. That's what the washer was for. Enjoying and sharing his enthusiasm, was much more important, then the stains on my clothes.

And he was more then willing to share. He tried to pop it in my mouth several times. I took his hand and pretended to taste it, while he had the biggest smile on his little face, as if he wanted to say: "Isn't that good?!"

Yes, it was good. I got a taste of it, when I wiped the stickiness of my face. It was cherry flavor by the way. :-)

It's so good to see him be so happy and wanting to share with others. I hope he will always keep that and we will try to encourage him in it. Leading by example is a good way to show and teach. God has given us all we need to do so.

Isaiah 58:7
Is it not to share your bread with the hungry, And that you bring to your house the poor who are cast out; When you see the naked, that you cover him, And not hide yourself from your own flesh?


Blogger Missy said...

It is a sweet thing when they are so eager to share something good! I pray that Lil Casey AND Leo grow up happy to do so because all of you were such fine examples!

July 25, 2008 4:14 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi Corry,

I will say amen to Missy's words and I enjoy via internet watching them learn and grow up ? Oma you just got a special treat > a good ole hugg and sticky sugar kisses ?

Blessings .

July 25, 2008 8:54 PM  
Blogger Corry said...

We pray so as well and do our best to be good examples. If God is for us, who can be against us, huh?!

Have a very blessed weekend. :-)

I always get special treats just seeing the boys. Besides, lil' Kc doesn't have to sugar-coat himself. He can't get any sweeter then he already is! :-D

Have a very blessed weekend, Grandpaw.

God's Grace.

July 26, 2008 5:35 AM  
Blogger audrey` said...

"Enjoying and sharing his enthusiasm, was much more important, than the stains on my clothes."

So very well said, my dearest Lieve Zus.

A very Good Morning to you =)


July 26, 2008 8:55 AM  
Blogger Corry said...

Hi Lieve Zus, Good afternoon to you. yeah, it's already afternoon now. :-)

The washer is good for the stains. I suppose it's where you place the value. I would not want to miss out on something so precious because of something so fulite. :-D


God's Grace.

July 26, 2008 2:25 PM  

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