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Monday, December 01, 2008

The Thinker

Our lil' Casey keeps amazing me. He was 19 months old when he did this and I never suspected a boy his age could and would already have figured out things like this.

He was playing with an old phone, I gave him, since he loves to talk on and play with them. The phone had a long cord on it, but that did not seem to bother him at all.

I kept a close eye on him, because I anticipated he might get entangled in it. At one point, he had it wrapped around his little waist and I was about to jump up an help him out.

Before I even got on my feet, he turned around and around, until he got the cord off of him. No problem whatsoever. It all seemed so natural to him, both Opa and I were watching him do it and were totally baffled!

Wow, he sure seems to be a thinker. And a clever little critter as well. I hope he will grow up, using that 'thinker' wisely in every situation he encounters and with every person he meets. I pray, he will always keep Jesus' example in mind. :-)

Matthew 10:16
"Behold, I send you out as sheep in the midst of wolves. Therefore be wise as serpents and harmless as doves.


Blogger jel said...

He does come from and family of very smart thinkers ,

hope ya had a good Tday!


December 01, 2008 5:27 PM  
Blogger Corry said...

Yup, he got that from his Opa! :-)

We are doing okay, but way behind catching up. But... God gives what's needed when it's needed. :-)


God's Grace.

December 03, 2008 9:17 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey Lit'l buddy,

You just keep on teaching Oma your little tricks . Sounds like you gona have a lot of common sense [ the best kind ] and learn how to be smart too ? I'll have to give credit for Oma and Opa for loving you and teaching you and Mommy too!

Gods Blessing on you .

BTW--Hows Opa doing ?

December 04, 2008 8:21 PM  
Blogger Terry said...

Dear Corry
Finally here to see you!
I put the picture that you gave me on my blog Tuesday. I hope that you don't mind if I put your blog site address with it.
I do see though that I mistakenly put on the wrong state where you are from so I will correct that. For some reason, I thought that you lived where that grandpaw Ron lives... in Georgia!
I was not feeling very well for a few days and even though he said he would be praying for me which is right kind of him, he still insists that I am just a mean ole' Canadian lady. If I am so mean why does he entrust that Princess to me whenever the girl decides to run away from him now and then, eh?...Ha!!

Little Casey does sound like a smart little fellow indeed. I think an adult getting tangled up in a mess like that would just panic so much trying to get out of it, he would just get in deeper and deeper!
Your story would, if you condensed it a little could surely be put into the Reader's Digest!
Really good Corry....Love Terry

December 05, 2008 8:26 AM  
Blogger Amy said...

We are praying for all the little ones that they will follow in the steps of Jesus. This is a great story and one to write down in our memory. I hope you all had a wonderful Thanksgiving. We surely did. God bless you and the family.

December 05, 2008 9:25 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

hi mamu! you are in my prayers. you and your family. God bless you always. ♥

December 08, 2008 12:16 AM  
Blogger Corry said...

We can not do it without God and we are grateful for His provisions.

Opa is doing better. We all are. Thanks for your care and concern. How about yourself? Are you doing okay? You are in our prayers and thoughts.

Have a very blessed day.

I am sorry to hear you were not feeling well and I hope you are doing much better.

I suspect, Grandpaw uses it as a term of endearment! :-)

Thanks for posting the drawing. I loved all the pics you shared. That was a good idea.

I will remember you both in my prayers as well. Many blessings to you and yours.

Due to circumstances, Thanksgivings could have been better, but we did not forget the reason and made the best of it.

We are glad to hear y'all had a good one and may God continue to bless y'all.

Thanks girl, we really appreciate it. You are in ours and we hope and pray God will pour His blessings out on you as well.

God's Grace.

December 09, 2008 9:40 AM  

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