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Friday, October 23, 2009

Customer Service

One of the things I don't like when going to an appointment is the wait. I always make sure to be present at least five to ten minutes before the set time and I don't mind at all having to sit there and wait; that is already calculated in and I am prepared for it. Every second after the time of the appointment is nothing else but a chore.

This is mainly due to being bored. My General Practitioner apparently was aware of that and put a TV in the waiting room. I am not sure whether they took advantage of the Direct TV Offers or not, but I doubt it; it is usually showing some news channel. It is nice though; at least there is something to divert the mind and kill the time.

The doctor's office is one of the very few who have a TV installed. I don't understand why not more business owners open a direct tv business account. Especially with the sports season in full swing, it could attract a lot more customers. Picture how great it would be having dinner and watching your favorite football game at the same time... in the restaurant!

Even though it may seem like pouring more money in to the business, the potential profits will outweigh the costs. It will attract more clients and customers, while paying not much at all. The DIRECTV Deals would give a good return on their money. Actually, they are worth every penny of it and even then some!


Blogger audrey` said...

Punctuality is underrated. Some do not value the concept of time...

HaHa Lieve Zus! I sounded so serious. But who likes to wait? =)

October 24, 2009 4:37 AM  
Anonymous Kitty Cheng said...

The Direct TV Deals do seem quite attractive :)

October 24, 2009 5:58 AM  
Blogger Corry said...

I agree, Lieve Zus. Some do not value other people's time, hahaha.

Well, it is a serious problem, seriously! :-D

So good to see you again! How is married life? We hope y'all are doing well and we need to catch up sometime soon.


God's Grace.

October 24, 2009 8:11 AM  
Anonymous Kitty Cheng said...

Corry, married life is wonderful! Yes we need to catch up soon! Please send my regards to KC. (((HUGS)))

October 25, 2009 4:33 AM  
Blogger Corry said...

We are so glad to hear that and I passed on the regards. :-)


God's Grace.

October 25, 2009 10:50 AM  

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