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Wednesday, July 28, 2010

More Saving Tips

As promised, some more good ideas, savings, hints and tips for the use of coffee filters:

1. Give shoes a great luster by buffing them with a clean coffee filter after applying shoe polish.
2. Coffee filters make good chip bowls.
3. Wrap herbs in a coffee filter, cut away the excess and tie it with a piece of cotton twine. This way you can easily remove the bag after cooking.
4. Bake a giant cupcake in a coffee filter.
5. Keep your microwave clean by covering food with a coffee filter when (re)heating it.
6. Mirrors, windows, wine glasses, eye glasses and even the screen of your computer get squeaky clean by using a coffee filter.
7. Line a flower pot with a coffee filter; it stops the soil from leaking through the hole in the bottom.
8. Polish furniture with a coffee filter.
9. Stack or store plates with a coffee filter between each plate.
10. Use coffee filters to serve cookies; they are good crumb-catchers.
11. If the cork from a bottle of wine breaks off in the bottle, pour the wine through a coffee filter.

It seems like these coffee filters lend themselves for almost anything. It might be good printing out all these tips and keeping the list handy. I am sure there are even more applications for them and if you know any; please share. It is highly appreciated.

There is good advice in the Bible for every situation and occurrence. Sometimes, the instructions may not be entirely clear or completely understood, but they will, in God's time. What to do in the meantime? Pray and give it to God; He hears and answers!

Psalm 55:16
As for me, I will call upon God, And the LORD shall save me.


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