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Thursday, January 13, 2011

Exercise and Muscle Supplements

One thing I have noticed; as I am getting older, my muscles are loosing their firmness. Okay, I am not working out, or being very active and I know that plays a huge role as well.

Even though I started working out on several occasions, I always got confronted with something that totally threw me off my so difficult and painstaking, developed routine. I have to admit; it doesn't take much to do so.

I use every reason as a good justification for not having to do my exercises and I should be more persistent in keeping it up. Since I am about to take a shot at it again, I intend to be more diligent this time.

Maybe I have an unrealistic expectation; I expect to see results in a matter of days, while I have let my muscles gone for years. It may be an option to achieve my goal faster by using muscle supplements.

I am always a little apprehensive when it comes to those supplements, but I suspect it takes reading up the pros and cons, how they work, and finding out what ingredients are all used in the manufacturing.

Another advice would be to check whether they can be taken with any other medications and who other than my own physician can best tell me best about all that?!


Blogger ATHiker95 said...

I have the same issues (60 yr old). I've started taking Muscle Milk whey protein. I need to start weight lifting, but I always seem to have some ache or pain that prohibits me getting seriously into that.

January 26, 2011 8:11 PM  

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