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Friday, August 01, 2008

Joys and Messes

Sunday morning. Son-in-law got back from work and picked up April and Leo, to go home and get ready for church.

We had agreed to keep our lil' Kc and get him ready for church. That would take a little pressure off of them and they wouldn't have to rush that much.

To get him ready meant to give him a bath and get him all dressed up. I made sure he had breakfast already before cleaning him up, so he would not get his clothes dirty. That turned out to be a smart idea.

He loves to eat and he likes all the different flavors oatmeal. I fixed him a bowl of oatmeal, let it cool, and set him at the dinner-table.

More then half the bowl was gone in a jiffy. All that time he is making fun. Pointing, wanting to know what things are called, laughing and grinning at me. I can tell when he is getting full. No, he does not keep his mouth closed and refuses another bite. He opens his mouth, sticks out his tongue with oatmeal and all and will either let it dribble out, or pick it of his tongue.

At that point, two things can happen. The first one is, he hands it back to me. That is very convenient when it's a sandwich, meat, or veggies. The second one is, he starts picking it apart. Believe me, you don't want that to happen. It is messy business. Especially with oatmeal!

Well, it happened, haha. With a little diversion and play, he managed to finish the oatmeal without too much of a mess though. I can't wait till he is eating by himself. It is such a joy to watch him grow up.

The sticky messes? I really don't mind cleaning them up. :-)

We all learn by trial and error and it can happen that we make a mess in the process. It is part of it and all for learning purposes. It's a comfort to know, God is there as well, to help us clean it up and comfort and encourage us.

Matthew 11:29
Take My yoke upon you and learn from Me, for I am gentle and lowly in heart, and you will find rest for your souls.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi Corry,

Grandchildren are a blessing given to us old folks to remind us how Great He Is ? He knew that when our children got grown and left home we needed something to give us hope for tomorrow ? What a Blessing they are ?

You and KC have to fine looking grandsons but I still must inform you that my grandchildren is still the prettiest ?

BTW-- Leslie has updated Cole's Blog . Check it out !

August 02, 2008 12:16 PM  
Blogger Corry said...

Thanks so much for the update.
Praise The Lord for all the good news and we will continue to remember Cole and his family in our prayers. May God grant all of them a full recovery and total healing.

I ain't gonna argue with you about the prettiest grandkids. In my humble opinion, they all are beautiful and yes, God knew!:-D

Have a very blessed weekend!!!

God's Grace.

August 02, 2008 3:23 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey, Corry -

I'm glad you are enjoying your grandchildren. They are great, aren't they?

Cheers & Blessings to you all today!


August 02, 2008 11:29 PM  
Blogger audrey` said...

The mess is part of the fun =)

August 03, 2008 3:55 AM  
Blogger Corry said...

Good to see you!
Yes, they are great and such a joy. I know, you know what I am talking about. :-)

Have a very blessed weekend.

It sure is, haha.

God's Grace.

August 03, 2008 5:47 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

hmmm...this scenario sounds all too familiar! It is a joy to watch them learn and grow...

Thanks for the great illustration :)

August 03, 2008 9:44 PM  
Blogger Corry said...

You have been there, done that too, huh?! haha.
Yes, it is a joy and a great blessing!

You are most welcome. I hope y'all are doing well. :-)

God's Grace.

August 05, 2008 4:09 AM  

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