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Wednesday, September 30, 2009

All Things Come In Three

In case you have not heard the expression: 'All things come in three', then you have now. Let me tell you that it is true as well, whether those are good or bad things.

The reason why I say this is because my regular check up with the Rheumatologist did turn out not to be so regular after all;

1. First I had to start taking Calcium tablets twice a day.
2. About a week later the nurse called, telling me to start on Vitamin D because it was too low.
3. Yesterday the nurse called again to let me know that my bone density was so low that I have to take a once a month tablet to stop and reverse my bone loss.

The 'bone-booster' as I call it is Actonel and she gave me a couple of pills as a trial. If it turns out that I tolerate this well, I will get a prescription. I still have to read the patients guide to learn all about the instructions, side-effects, etc before tomorrow, but I will. I would like to take it the first of every month; that is easier to remember. :-)

I can not begin to tell you how glad I am for a calendar. I have so many different medications to take now, on so many different days and dates, that it makes my head spin. I am not complaining though. I am grateful that it all can be resolved with medication.

My rheumatologist and her staff are real and rare gems. They go out of their ways to watch over my health and welfare and they are more then happy to do it as well. God has truly blessed me with and through them. May He bless them accordingly!

Hebrews 13:17
Obey those who rule over you, and be submissive, for they watch out for your souls, as those who must give account. Let them do so with joy and not with grief, for that would be unprofitable for you.


Anonymous Tonya said...

Thank you for your blog Corry, I too am an RA sufferer and it is great to feel less alone in the world. I hear you about the calendar! I'd never remember my medications without one. One thing that I've used that I thought you and your readers might benefit from is the ChiliPad - a mattress pad that lets you cool down (or heat up) your bed, mine lets me set any temperature between 46 and 118 degrees. It's been great for days when the weather and my joints don't agree.

September 30, 2009 12:38 PM  
Blogger Corry said...

Welcome and thanks for the info.

I am sorry to hear you have RA as well and I will remember you in my prayers.

The pad sounds great and I certainly could use one. Everyone here is freezing their hinies off because I can't sleep due to hot flashes. I bet it works well for that too! What a great idea. Thanks.

God's Grace.

September 30, 2009 7:03 PM  

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