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Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Dark Chocolate Benefits During Pregnancy

Speaking of an energy booster and a great mood enhancer, here is a very tasty one for you: dark chocolate!

This delicious treat has many health benefits of which only a few were know and/or acknowledged, until recently. Dr. Elizabeth Triche of Yale University and her colleagues conducted a study on the positive results of chocolate during pregnancies.

Over the course of several years of study, it so turned out that when consumed by pregnant women during their first and second trimester, dark chocolate for pregnancy was very effective in decreasing the chances for hypertension and fluid retention.

I had already heard that dark chocolate was good for your health. Besides improving the overall feeling of well being, it also decreased stress which leads to improved focus and greater calmness. It also battles fatigue by increasing your energy and with our hectic lifestyle these days, we all can use some more of that.

Don't run to the store now and grab the first dark chocolate you come across. Not all dark chocolate is of the highest quality. Intentional Chocolate is and has an added ingredient that enhances and improves all the great benefits to the consumers of their dark chocolate.

So, let's intentionally experience and share the best of dark chocolate!


Blogger Lenise said...

That was always such a great excuse! I love dark chocolate best.

I just saw the latest on your daughter and the grandchildren. I will be praying.

November 18, 2009 9:58 PM  
Anonymous Kitty said...

Sounds good! God has been speaking to me lately about health and healing.

Not that I am pregnant, but it's about time I have some dark chocolates - simply for it's health benefit! :)

November 19, 2009 12:32 AM  
Blogger Corry said...

Now you don't need an excuse anymore, you can simply say you got to eat for health reasons, hehe.

Thank you so much for your prayers. We really appreciate it.
How are y'all doing?
Give those little rascals a hug from me.

Hehe, yup you have to see to your health and why not do it with something so pleasing to the taste buds! :-D

Are you okay? I am asking because of what you said at the beginning of your comment. I hope you are. May God bless you and all your endevours.

(((HUGS))) to both you and Lenise.

God's Grace.

November 19, 2009 6:16 AM  

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