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Monday, November 16, 2009

Two Dogs To Treat

Since the weather has turned a lot cooler, we keep the office door open during the day. It is both nice and annoying at that point having a dog running around in the yard. Make that two, because the neighbor's dog decided to make our yard his home as well.

He only goes home to eat and comes right back. So now we have two dogs standing in front of the door and trying to come in and the command: "NO! Out!" is the order of the day.

We make sure Mia, our dog, gets her heart worm and flea treatment at the beginning of each month. We rather buy the cheap pet meds, instead of spending an arm and a leg and have found they are really cheap online.

That is a good thing, because it seems like we have two dogs to treat against fleas and ticks now. I don't mind, I know the neighbor would do the same for our dog and by paying a little attention we can get a Frontline Plus discount. Every little bit helps, huh?

We are not picky when it comes to flea and tick control. We actually buy whatever may be on sale and sometimes that is Frontline and on other times that is Advantage flea control. We have good experiences with both.

I enjoy ordering online and hearing the cute little chimes and sounds when clicking on a product, or the select and buy button. So does Mia; she tries to come in and find out where the sound is coming from.

I hope you will excuse me for just a second.... "Mia, no. Out!" Grin.


Blogger audrey` said...

Woof =) Woof =D

HeHe! Your President was here over the weekend. Missed his wife who had remained in USA.

November 17, 2009 6:43 AM  
Blogger Corry said...

I would not be surprised if soon it will be: woof, woof, woof, woof, woof, woof and woof. sigh. :-)

I suppose that is why he returned to the states, huh? haha.


God's Grace.

November 17, 2009 7:01 AM  

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