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Friday, January 28, 2011

Sleep, Weight, and Health

A while back I read somewhere that sleeping burns more calories than sitting on the couch, watching TV. It also made mention that broken and not getting enough sleep can result in gaining weight.

A couple of days ago, this was confirmed by another article I stumbled upon. It does not only affect adults, but children as well; too little sleep often causes heavier weight, but also reduced memory and cognitive performance, lack of attention and focus, hyperactivity and ADHD.

I think we all like to prod our (grand)children to get up and be productive, instead of sleeping their time away on weekends and holidays, but seeing how there may not be any opportunity for them to get enough sleep during schooldays, it may be beneficial to let them catch up.

In a study of children between the ages of 4 and 10, it became clear that those who had a regular sleeping routine and got the recommended number of hours per night had a diminished risk of becoming obese or winding up with a health conditions like heart disease, diabetes, and cancer.

Another interesting fact was that those risks decreased substantially when children who didn't get enough sleep, caught up during the weekends. Those extra hours of sleep may not compensate for the lost ones; it often takes quite a while catching up.

As I mentioned before; it also pertains to adults and even though we may not loose sleep over a busy schedule, we often tend to worry too much over things that are our of our control. We ought to let go and let God; He is in control and there is no better place for it to be then in His hands! :-)

Psalm 127:2
It is vain for you to rise up early, To sit up late, To eat the bread of sorrows; For so He gives His beloved sleep.


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