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Monday, January 20, 2014

Other Health Benefits Of Garlic

Garlic can be very helpful and healthy and not only when it comes to fighting inflammations due to arthritis and related conditions, but also many other illnesses and diseases.

This food has a great impact on high blood pressure and cholesterol levels for instance. It is able to lower them, protect our blood vessels from becoming blocked, and inhibits the forming of clots. In other words; it is an excellent prevention for heart disease.

Garlic is famous for its antibacterial and antiviral properties. Since thousands of years it has been a proven remedy in the battle against viruses, bacteria, yeast and/or fungal infections, and worms. It also seems to work great against those bacteria which have developed a resistance against our current antibiotics.

According to research, garlic has shown to possess anti-cancer properties and therefore lowers the risk of almost any type of cancer when consumed on a daily basis. It works well with respiratory problems, poor digestion, low energy, boosting the immune system, and it is a good disinfectant and anti-septic.

That last property can be put to good use for all kinds of skin problems by using it topically. You have to be careful though because it can result in burns. Rinse well with water as soon as your skin feels irritated or when a burning sensation occurs.

Garlic promotes and improves the iron production in our system. Another benefit of garlic is that it controls and regulates blood sugar levels due to the increased release of insulin. As usual; don't supplement with garlic without talking to your physician first.

Please, don't neglect that advice. Our pride may tell us we can manage without consultations and we already have all the needed wisdom, but we don't and there is wisdom in the counsel of many.

Whatever situation we may run into, there is a solution for everything. It is best not to assume we already know what needs to happen, but to counsel with the only one who is omniscient: God!

Job 15:8
Have you heard the counsel of God? Do you limit wisdom to yourself?


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