




Wednesday, November 11, 2009

WildBlue Satellite Internet Available Everywhere

It is bizarre; I had expected that my mother in law would be able to switch from her slow dial-up to at least DSL. According to her present Internet service provider it is not available in her area. This would be a good time for her to change to wild blue internet; that is available anywhere and everywhere.

She works with young children at a school and likes to surf, download and print all kinds of stuff she can share with and use for the kids. The surfing and downloading time it takes her now would increase up to thirty times if she had wild blue internet and she would be ensured of a stable connection as well.

She does not use the Internet as intense as we do. The Pro package would be great for us, but she probably could subscribe to the Value package, which is the cheapest one available. I would love for her to experience the joys of a fast connection after the free installation and not having to worry about downloading viruses. The wild blue internet service comes with a full year of free Anti-Virus/Anti-Spy ware Software as well.

My mother in law likes to know the ins and outs and often has many questions. I know she will get all her answers from one of the patient, kind and helpful sales representatives. She may not have any after reading up on it on the website; it is all pretty clear. Besides, she would be too busy surfing at her heart's content!

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