While our oldest grandson was staying with us I noticed one day that his left eye lid was looking a little red. I did not think much of it at first; he may have just rubbed his eye. The next day however, a small swelling appeared.
Since it was right at the edge of the lid we thought it might be a sty. Over the cause of the days the swelling turned in to a big red bump and it was hurt him; whenever he would rub his eye he indicated that his eye had a 'bobo'.
As soon as we learned that his great-grandmother had a bad Staph infection, I suspected this might be Staph infection as well. If it was, it could potentially lead to Cosmetic Surgery in the future.
The reason why I thought that was due to our youngest daughter coming down with Staph in the past. She went to the hospital and they cut it open in order to remove the infection and gave her antibiotics.
Just the idea of that little eye lid having to be cut, ran shivers down my spine. We had decided to take him to the doctor the next day making sure whether it was Staph or not. Low and behold, the next morning the bump was gone. A slight reddishness indicated where it had been.
His eye lid looks fine now and I can not tell you how relieved we were!
Since it was right at the edge of the lid we thought it might be a sty. Over the cause of the days the swelling turned in to a big red bump and it was hurt him; whenever he would rub his eye he indicated that his eye had a 'bobo'.
As soon as we learned that his great-grandmother had a bad Staph infection, I suspected this might be Staph infection as well. If it was, it could potentially lead to Cosmetic Surgery in the future.
The reason why I thought that was due to our youngest daughter coming down with Staph in the past. She went to the hospital and they cut it open in order to remove the infection and gave her antibiotics.
Just the idea of that little eye lid having to be cut, ran shivers down my spine. We had decided to take him to the doctor the next day making sure whether it was Staph or not. Low and behold, the next morning the bump was gone. A slight reddishness indicated where it had been.
His eye lid looks fine now and I can not tell you how relieved we were!
Oops, by accident deleted your comment.
So good to hear from you. We don't have facebook, but you can e-mail us whenever you like.
Yes, I take Humira myself and am very happy with it. You can find some info on it in my RA posts. The link is in the top right bar.
God's Grace.
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