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Tuesday, October 01, 2013

This Year's Flu Shot Options

We need to get our flu shots for this year. That is no longer an easy task, because compared to last year we will have to be up to snuff where the choice which one we want and/or need is concerned.

Yes, we have a choice as to which type of flu shot to get. We can opt for the regular three-strain vaccine or the standard four-strain which will give extra protection against another B strain.

Then there is the high-dose vaccine which has four times the antigens then the previous two flu shots. This vaccine is mainly recommended for those 65 years of age and over, and those with a weak immune system.

These three vaccines are injected in the muscle of your arm and can be somewhat painful. If you are not looking forward to that and are age 18 through 49, you can select a vaccine which is injected in the skin and therefore almost pain-free. It provides protection against three flu strains.

A totally pain-free option for those between 2 and 49 years old is the nasal spray vaccine which will shield against four strains of flu.

In case you are allergic to eggs, you should ask for the egg-free vaccine which is available for the first time this year. Keep in mind though that this is only for people between 18 and 49 years old.

I am debating whether to go with the standard four-strain or the high-dose vaccine. Since I have no clue as to what the best choice would be, I am going to call my rheumatologist. I am sure she will advise me on which one is best.

We can't and don't know everything, but God does. When we are in doubt, we better pray about it. God will hear and provides wisdom and solutions. He always does, in His appointed time!

Proverbs 13:10
By pride comes nothing but strife, But with the well-advised is wisdom.


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