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Friday, April 16, 2010

Painful, But Beneficial

I experienced that the worst of having RA are the flare-ups. Yes, they are extremely painful, but the consequences go far beyond that. The pain is limiting the range of motion which results in a great loss of muscle strength. You may already have found that out after the flare-ups had subsided.

Noticing this early in the beginning of my RA, I tried to keep up as much strength as I could by doing the things I normally would do, but taking my time to do them.

Some examples:
- Loading the dishwasher, even if it took two hands to put one plate in.
- Lifting a glass of water with both hands because it was impossible to grip it with one hand due to pain.
- Do housekeeping chores, but slowly and with as little pressure on the joints as possible.

It took a lot of sweat and tears to push through the pain, but it paid off. After the flare-up, my muscles were not too weak and it was easier and went a lot quicker to regain their strength. It also increased my pain levels which benefited me when the next pain episode came along.

After 22 years of RA and with my deformed hands, my strength is such that I almost squeezed my Rheumatologist's fingers to mush. She was speechless and I was thankful. At present, there is hardly anything I am not able to do and I would recommend keeping up with and maintaining your lifestyle as much as you can.

Not all that hurts is bad. It will pass, but with persistence and perseverance we will come out being a whole lot better off. All in all it is a positive cycle; a very painful one, but extremely beneficial.

It is something we have to go through and learn from, just like episodes in our life which are hurtful. God shows us what needs changing in us. With persistence and perseverance, intend on making those changes, we will come out stronger and will be a whole lot better off.

All in all it is a positive cycle; it may be a painful one, but extremely beneficial and only intended with our best in mind.

Hebrews 12:11
Now no chastening seems to be joyful for the present, but painful; nevertheless, afterward it yields the peaceable fruit of righteousness to those who have been trained by it.


Anonymous Kitty said...

Corry, thanks for such an inspiring message! I admire your strength and positive attitude.

Your encouragement for us to embrace persistence and perseverance is so insightful.


April 20, 2010 8:09 AM  
Blogger Corry said...

Thank you! Your comment just gave me the encouragement to persist and persevere in trying to give some hope to those with RA and related diseases and everyone else of course. :-D


God's Grace.

April 20, 2010 12:56 PM  

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